Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Tale of 200 Tadpoles

A couple of Sundays ago it was raining in Houston. (Shocking.) Cooper had just gotten some new light-up rain boots and I was bound and determined to prove to Kyle that this was not just another idle demand from the boy and indulgent purchase by me. So, all geared up, we had a little Norman Rockwell moment and went outside to play in the rain.

Cool boots, man.

Doing the Boy Mom thing.

Cooper let me borrow his frog umbrella.

Sister got in on the action too!

Don't you just want to squeeze those thighs?!


As it turns out, some frogs had laid eggs in the "lake" that is our poorly drained street. (Thanks city of Houston?) And in a couple of days we discovered tadpoles.

What started as a fun Cooper activity...

...quickly became a neighborhood affair and before I knew it I had about 200 of these little suckers in a drink bucket in my front yard!

Let me tell you, I was a little worried about starting a biblical plague in my own front yard.  There were SO MANY TADPOLES! However, it was a good little activity for us and the other kids and I used the "let's go check on the tadpoles" as a distraction many a time. 

Well, as life (luck?) would have it, these guys turned into frogs during the torrential downpour that happened in Houston last weekend. We were happily out of town and returned to find only two cute little baby frogs. Whew.

As Cooper says, "Some tadpoles get to be frogs and others get to be dead." Well put.  


Or, at least a very fun activity/science experiment at the least!


  1. Thanks for the tadpole update. I was wondering about them today....I would like to think they all turned into frogs and hopped away.
    Love the blog!

  2. How fun is that?! And where are those boots from?!?!? Must get some for Jay!!
